'Rihanna Doom | Rihanna Used Islamic Verses In Her Fashion Show | Sonia taj | Knowledge and fun Rihanna is a fashion designer and also a singer she used Hadith words in her recent fashion show song which she specially remix for fashion show whose title is \"Doom\" and Doom means the \"day of judgment\" and the Hadith words which is used in this song is about the day of judgment #rihannadoom #rihannadoomremix #rihannadoomvideo #rihannadoomfenty #rihannanewsong #rihannafentyshow #rihannasavagefentyshow #rihannasongs #rihannafentyshowquran #rihannafashionshow #Soniataj #knowledgeandfun'
Tags: rihanna , rihanna work , rihanna savage fenty show , rihanna fenty show , rihanna doom , rihanna doom remix , Rihanna doom video , rihanna doom fenty , Doom song , rihanna new song , doom song remix , doom soundtrack , doom coucou Chloe , Sonia taj , Knowledge and fun
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